Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2012 Season Anime reviews

 Sword Art Online-If you have ever played an RPG you will like this. frankly even if you have not. SAO is the first true virtual MMORPG launched using a VR headset that interfaces with the brain. But the creator locks everyone in the game, and the Headsets will kill anyone who dies in the game, or is removed from the game. Makes for some very interesting societies that develop in the game, and the protagonist is just another guy trying to survive, and an excellent gamer....a truly EXCELLENT story with action, mystery, and even some romance....A MUST WATCH (5 out of 5), currently in it's second "season". Perfect for the computer engineer.

Jormungand- Strange name, that has no meaning until the second season. This is the life of a firearms dealer and her bodygaurds. Not your local gun dealer, More like the movie "God of war" style weapons dealer. Lots of great gun play, and interesting story....A MUST WATCH (5 out of 5), currently in it's second season. Perfect for the mechanical engineer, lots of realistic guns.

Girls and Panzer-I did not think I would like this one, but I gave it a try, and I am glad I did. It's not some dumb excuse to show young girls in skirts....instead it's an excuse to show many different WWII era tanks battling each other in interesting environments. Perfect for a mechanincal engineer. If you can get past the cutesy highschool girls, the battles are actually very good. (4 out of 5).

Robotics;Notes-I am on a robotics kick right now so I wanted to like this one, and I do. It's about a highschool club run by an energetic girl, and a lazy boy who only plays robot battle video games. the club wants to finish a large robot project, but they start small at the robot-one competition (a real world competition). There is a very interesting secondary storyline that took me by surprise too, but I won't ruin it for you. (4.5 out of 5)

BTOOOM!-A video game company that makes Btooom, which is basically an FPB game (first person bomber), kidnaps people, dumps them on an island, arms them all with different video game style bombs, and promises to let them off if they kill enough people. There is also a cute girl or two. (4 out of 5)

Shin sekai Yori (From the new world)- Set 1000 years in the future when some humans have psycho-kinetic powers. This follows a group of youngsters going thru puberty and learning about their powers and how society has changed in order to deal with them. Surprisingly interesting story that makes you think about human nature and the mind. (4.5 out or 5)

K-A future world with robots that pickup after you (and insult you), among other things. This story centers around hidden kings and their men who have magical powers and are trying to find a guy who killed one of the red kings men. BEUTIFULLY animated, and worth checking out. The story is a little strange though and may not be for everyone. (3.5 out of 5)

Zetsu no Tempest (blast of tempest)-A current world, with mages that can use only defensive magic that is tied to a world tree and a scheme to save,or maybe destroy the world. A very interesting story with excellent graphics (done by bones, which did many other excellent animes). Lots of action and intruge. (3.5 out of 5)

Psycho Pass-Another future world, with robots that act as crowd control and holograms everywhere. This world has a computerised system that thru sensors around the city can sense peoples "psycho pass", which is a color and number that is related to their state of mind. The cloudier the color, or higher the number, the more likely they are a "latent criminal". This allows people to get treatment before they become a criminal. This story follows a detective agency that finds the criminals (usually murderers) that fall thru the cracks. This agency actually uses latent criminals who could not be reconditioned into society to enforce. They all use a gun that is directly linked to the system that will only allow it to fire at people with a high psycho pass number. The higher the number, the larger the damage from the gun......A very interesting and well written show. (4.5 out of 5)

Code:Breaker- Only watched a few episodes, the animation was not very good, and story didn't seem to go anywhere interesting. Basically the main guy has the power to burn people with his hand, and he goes to high school with this annoying girl, who is trying to stop him and turn him into the police when she sees him burn up some criminals....stopped watching it after a few episodes, but it is better than most US shows. (2.5 out of 5)

Eureka Seven AO- A sequel to the eureka seven series (by Bones I believe) which was excellent. This continues on the story and actually helps explain the original series a little. I may review the original series later. AO is much nicer, being in HD.  Basically AO is a teenager and can operate a large robot that helps combat "secrets" that are robotic like monsters that appear when a mysterious coral randomly erupts around the world. He joins a worldwide group that helps countries combat these secrets...but maybe the coral is the real enemy???? an excellent, but hard to figure out story (which I like).....(4.5 out of 5)

Muv-Luv Alternative, Total Eclipse- A very strange name for a large battle robots versus human eating alien monsters from the moon type show, but it is a great show. after the first 3 or 4 episodes introduces you to the brutality of the war, it transitions into the main focus. A group of test pilots that are trying to help develop the next generation robot (can't remember what it is called in the show right now) to help win the war. EXCELLENT graphics, with very good robot animation, and intriguing story lines.....(5 out of 5)

Friday, October 12, 2012

To do....engineers shoulder rig.

Basically a smart phone, Sharpie, pen, NotePad shoulder holster.
For the tactical engineers out there

BTW, this was inspired by the Anime Robotic;Notes where the protag has a nice leather cell phone I carry all that stuff at work in a shirt pocket, and a shoulder rig would allow me to wear shirts without pockets too.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Why can't Hollywood get fireworks correct in movies?

Specifically the timing of the sound....Do they really think we are that stupid or forgetful? Or have they never been to a fireworks show?
Anyone who has been to a large 4th of July or new-year's fireworks display knows that the sound comes a full second or so after the shell burst. But even in a relatively new movie that I saw today (Adventureland) The sound is heard at the EXACT same time as the burst.
This is very distracting to an engineer.  The first time an engineer sees a professional fireworks display, that delay in the sound is a real wonder, and adds to the magic of seeing a display. You see the big burst and your mind knows the boom is coming in a split second. The anticipation is part of the joy.....But Hollywood sound editors kill that joy. (maybe it's not the editor's fault, but I suspect it is)
Seriously Hollywood...get your act together.
Is there anyone who can list a movie with a fireworks display with a correctly timed soundtrack? I don't remember one.

What is an "engineer"

This blog is all about the view of life from an engineer's perspective. But what is an Engineer, and why should you care how one views the world?

If you search the Internet for a definition, you will likely find this: the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, as physics or chemistry.... It continues to relate this to the construction of stuff like engines, bridges, buildings and such, but I chose to end the definition before that for the purpose of this blog. Yes, those that design engines and bridges are usually engineers, but not all engineers have to design stuff. The theory of engineering can apply to many different professions and lives.

The main idea behind an engineer, is that he or she will apply knowledge of the sciences in the decisions and views of life. And based on this definition, you may be an engineer too, or at least part engineer, and not even know it.

Engineering is not just a profession, it is a way of life based on the application of science and continual testing of theory due to an evolving view of science and the world we live in. In an engineers eye, nothing is set in stone, because next week some new science, or evidence may come to be known which may change a previous hypothesis or theory.

Because of this continual reviewing, I will surely change my views and decisions as time goes by, and more experiences and evidence is collected.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Intro, What's it all about

This blog is all about what life looks like from an Engineer's viewpoint. What looks ugly from your view, may be very elegant from an engineering perspective....or perhaps the other way around.